Community Outreach Perinatal Educator (C.O.P.E)
Our Journ3i LLC & Community Supporters
In a community collaboration Our Journ3i LLC training is hosting a 4 day doula training in Providence, RI on December 5-8th from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The Certified Outreach Perinatal Educator training will help prepare a community based perinatal workforce for those who want to become doulas, lactation professionals and childbirth educators in an engaging, interactive, informative, evidence based training on how to better support expecting and expanding families on their journey to parenthood.
Our Journ3i is looking to promote revolutionary change in the maternal health support system of care by inviting those in the community ready for better birth outcomes and postpartum care to become doulas from diverse backgrounds, languages and professions to be part of a better way to birth.
There are limited scholarships available, up to 50% maximum and only 20 seats to attend. This is a first come first serve based training. The invoice must be paid in full 2 weeks before training.
As a reminder, the training is an entrepreneurial pathway in workforce development. You will not be placed within an agency, but you will be building out your own doula provider practice. We offer the agency option for those who may need extra support and guidance first starting out, but it does come with a monetary cost.
If you work for a family home visiting program or a medical office you will need to get a signed document that you are not in violation of your employment due to conflict of interest. In some cases you will not be able to provide services to families serviced through your place of employment.
The intention of this training is to increase the doula workforce in the State of RI and expand the number of Certified Perinatal Doulas for the insurance coverage that went into effect on July 1, 2022. This training is highly focused on birth doulas, though it is a full spectrum training. Please note we are aiming to increase the availability for people looking to attend clients throughout their prenatal and postpartum experience, but targeted towards birthing support.
This training is for an ENTREPRENEURIAL pathway. You are taking this training to become your own boss and run your own doula-provider practice. There are additional costs that come with opening your own practice.
If you do not think this is what you want, please let me know and we can remove your application to offer someone else the opportunity. If you do not think you will be able to perform as a doula (on call lifestyle, transportation to and from clients housing, funding your enterprise) please reach out and let me know. You will not be placed with an agency, and not expected to provide any medical or clinical duties.
Becoming a certified perinatal doula is a rewarding career field promoting reproductive justice, advocacy and comprehensive health education. Upon graduation there will be opportunities to engage with the doula community.
As we get closer to the date, you will receive additional communication from me. Please remember to register and complete the Becoming a Doula workshop online.This workshop provides you fundamental education on doula work, if you are new to the birth worker world. The platform will be used for our mentorship course in the future.